Monday, April 2, 2007

Ooooh! First Post!

Well, seeing that I have been doing this WW thing for a couple of weeks now - I thought I might make myself (yet ANOTHER!!!) blog. I did not want to post WW related stuff on my regular blog but wanted to make a specific page to track the 'weight loss journey'. Along with the message boards, blogs present a fantastic means with engaging with the WW online community. I have really enjoyed checking out everyone else's blogs so decided to make one of my own. It's fantastic that there are so many people in the same position - at least you know that you are really not going it alone!

I really do not find meetings to be for me - generally I feel nervous and uncomfortable but I hope that I will settle into them. Mainly, its about keeping accountable! LOL So, forums and online support is proving to be very helpful indeed!

Anyway, I have been on the program for a fortnight now - I have my second weigh in tonight! Eeeek! Even though I have been good I always get a little nervous. But, this is going to take me a LONG while and I figure if I stick at this long enough, I am going to get somewhere! The aim is to get my 'mojo' back - piling on the weight does dreadful things to your self esteem so the only thing for it is to get proactive!

So, let's hope that this blog actually gets updated once in a while...

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